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How Joseph Used His Divine Number


How Joseph’s divine number 2 shaped his life

  1. God gave Joseph two dreams about his destiny.

  2. His life was saved by two of his brothers (Reuben and Judah).

  3. His mother had two children (himself and Benjamin).

  4. He was sold into slavery two times (first by his brothers to the Ishmaelites and second by the Ishmaelites to Portipha).

  5. His brothers sold him for twenty shekels of silver. 20 = 2

  6. He was number 2 in command in Portipha’s house.

  7. He was also 2nd in command in prison.

  8. He was 2nd in command in Egypt.

  9. The closest people to him while in prison were two inmates; 2 of Pharaoh’s former top officials (the baker and the butler).

  10. He interpreted 2 dreams in prison.

  11. He interpreted 2 dreams for Pharaoh when he got out of prison.

  12. He was forgotten by Pharaoh’s butler for 2 years

  13. He revealed himself to his brothers when they came to Egypt the 2nd time.

  14. He had 2 children (Ephraim and Manasseh).

  15. He spoke 2 languages fluently (Hebrew and Egyptian).

  16. He accused his brothers 2 times with the same statement “You have come to see where our land is unprotected.” Gen.42:9-12.

  17. During his brothers’ 2nd Journey to Egypt, they took 2 times the amount of silver to give to Joseph.

  18. There had been 2 years of famine when his father and brothers came to settle in Egypt.

  19. His mother Rachel was the 2nd wife of his father even though his father’s original intention was to make Joseph’s mother his first and only wife.

  20. Joseph lived 110 years. Gen. 50:22. 110 = 2.

Joseph was very successful, surmounting all obstacles because he constantly operated with his divine number 2. By the same token, when Jesus was about to start his ministry, he operated with his natural divine number 2 by choosing two disciples in Matthew 4:18-22 and John 1:35-42. My question to you is “Do you know your divine number?” When you don’t’ know your divine number and you constantly navigate life without it, you become like a powerless boat trapped in the middle of an ocean. It is spiritually dangerous not to operate with your divine number.

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