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Why God changed Jacob's name to Israel

Why God Changed Jacob’s Name

God doesn’t usually change people’s names just for fun or just because it doesn’t sound good. There is always a very specific underlying reason why God changes people’s names. Although we have briefly talked about God’s decision to change Jacob’s name to Israel, the truth is that we still haven’t unveiled the supernatural reason behind the name change. In the Language of Heaven used to establish the covenant outlined in Table CV-7T, the spirit that holds the Holy Trinity together is the Holy Spirit also known as the Spirit of God.

On the other hand, the spirit that truly holds the Sinful Trinity together is the spirit that corresponds and links to Holy Trinity; that spirit is the Spirit of Jacob. This is the spirit that God will use to put the practical manifestation of the covenant into action because the Holy Spirit will be used to also put salvation into action after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It explains why Jacob’s children were not only used to start the nation of Israel but Jacob was the only member of the Sinful Trinity who was named after the nation (Israel) that God promised Abraham in the covenant. Jacob’s children were therefore born with the spirit of the covenant which explains why unlike Ishmael and Esau, none of Jacob’s children were cursed or sent away by God. Contrary to what happened to Ishmael and Esau, God actually used Jacob’s children to establish the twelve tribes of Israel because Israel is the natural spirit of the covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The Bible teaches that when you receive the Holy Spirit, you also receive the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Jesus Christ all together known as the Holy Trinity. By the same supernatural rule, in the Spiritual Blending Link in Table CV-7T, if the Spirit of Jacob corresponds and links to the Holy Spirit, then when you receive the Spirit of Jacob you will also at the same time, be filled with the Spirit of the Sinful Trinity. Therefore anything that comes out of Jacob is definitely a spiritual carbon copy of the Spirit of the Sinful Trinity.

From a logical standpoint, common sense dictates that because God first called Abraham, therefore the spirit of Abraham should dictate the sequence of spiritual events in the Sinful Trinity. However, because God doesn’t operate like humans, that assumption does not necessarily follow. By all indications common sense dictates that, if God decided to name one of the Sinful Trinity members after the nation involved in the covenant, it should be Abraham, not Jacob; God should have changed Abraham’s name to Israel as the head of the Sinful Trinity.

The truth is that from the Spiritual Blending Link Table CV-7T, if the covenant was indeed the blueprint of God’s divine plan for humanity, then God must also take the law of heaven into consideration. The law in question is the law that states that only one Godhead is allowed to dwell on earth at any given time. God’s divine plan for humanity extends to the End of the Age. In the Language of Heaven, we know that after the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is the Godhead that will dwell on earth with humanity until the End of the Age comes. In Table CV-7T, the Holy Spirit corresponds and links to Jacob. If God’s divine plan for humanity leads to the End of the Age, then the Sinful Trinity member who corresponds and links to the Holy Spirit must be named after the nation that comes from the covenant because that nation will also dwell with humanity until the End of the Age comes. That nation is Israel which explains why God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. In very simple terms, in the Sinful Trinity, whoever corresponds and links to the Holy Trinity Godhead that will dwell on earth to wait for the End of the Age, will be named after the nation God promised Abraham in the covenant. That nation will be used to bring salvation to the world.

From this Biblical truth in relation to the covenant, what the world doesn’t realize is that no man-made weapon can effectively erase the nation of Israel from the face of the earth. It is absolutely impossible to get rid of Israel because humanity cannot defeat God.

God bless you; Jesus loves you! #Jacob #GodChangedJacobsName #GodandJacob #Israel

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